Well, hello there – yes, the blog is still alive (just barely) and as much as it has been neglected in the previous years, the…
It’s still alive!
It’s been ages since I last updated this blog and that’s a bit of a shame. Not because of lack of ideas for topics or…
A foreigner in LA
I’m at work right now and as many times before that means traveling. Not that I mind that at all. In fact, with winter full…
Posting via mail
WordPress is pretty cool – you can mail your blogposts in and get them published automatically. And if you – like me – really like…
So, what’s happening?
I’ve made a few updates to the system and did some ‘house-cleaning’ so maybe this time I can start to blog a bit more. As…
A bit of change…
A small notice – from now on I’ll write in English. I’ve done posts in non-Danish before but since I’m trying to reach out a…
50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World «TwistedSifter
Go’e tips! 50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World «TwistedSifter.
Vandkamp i stor skala!
Tjek de her rødder i Stockholm – måske endelig noget man kan bruge streetwars.dk til?